Tutoring and Test Preparation Parent Contract

Parent Commitment:  In order to maximize your child’s success in our programs, it is imperative that you are as involved as possible and fully committed to their success.  We are the educational experts, but you are the expert in your child’s personality and strengths.  We ask the following of you as we work together to build not only skills but confidence and a strong work ethic.

  • Tips to help your child succeed:
    • Recognize that the more engaged your child is in the program, the more growth you will see, and the more confident they will be here and in their regular classrooms.  Please encourage and remain positive about the program and what we are working hard to develop in them. 
    • Ask your child what they did, what they learned and how they feel about what they can do.  Let them show you their work, and go over the skills they developed with them.  This builds their confidence, and they will be more willing to work even harder during the next session.
    • Please give us all the feedback you can, as we want to customize our programs to support your child’s development.  If you are happy with the growth that you are seeing, let us know.  If you are concerned about anything, please let us know that as well.  We cannot fix problems if we do not know what they are.
  • Policies:
    • Please be on time to all sessions.  Missing the first couple of minutes means missing the overview of topics, reteaches of concepts or the choices your child can make for how the class is conducted.
    • Please do not contact your child by texting or calling their cell phone during sessions, as phones will be placed in locked boxes at the beginning of each class.
    • Prior to your child being enrolled in the sessions, be sure to pay the entire tuition.  If you must miss a session, realize that you will not be reimbursed, as the spot you paid for holds that spot for your child.
    • While we have the experience and knowledge to help your child focus and engage in learning, if your child is disruptive to the learning of others and we need you to pick them up early, know that you will also not be reimbursed for the class.
    • Make sure that they have all of their supplies, including a snack and water bottle.

Student Commitment:  Please know that we are here solely to help you develop skills and confidence.  Imagine what school could be like if you really liked what you do and know how to do it?  Imagine how it will feel to do something hard, and be able to do it every time?  This is our goal, to get you to that place.  Below are some expectations and things that will work for you as you spend your time with us.

  • Expectations:
    • When you come in, please turn off your cell phone and put it in the lock box.  You will leave it there for the entire session.
    • Throw your trash away in the bin, wash your hands after using the bathroom or eating and put things you use away.
    • This is your space, so take care of it.  Write on paper with a pencil or white boards with a dry erase marker only.
    • Know that if you are disruptive to the learning of others in the class, you may be asked to leave/have your parent(s) pick you up early.
  • Building Confidence:
    • Have fun and ask questions, a lot of them!
    • Work hard for as long as you can.
    • If you don’t get it YET, be brave and say that you need another example.  Let a peer help you understand it and then be ready to tell us what you learned.
    • Be kind to yourself, us and the other scholars.  If you’re ready to move forward, the best way to stamp the skill and build your confidence is to teach it to another person, so be brave and help someone else.
    • Realize that your parents are spending their hard-earned money to help you get better at things that are challenging, so honor them by doing your best every session.
    • Show your parents, siblings and friends what you did during the session, what you learned and how you can do the new thing that you figured out.  They will love it!
    • If you get frustrated, tell us so that we can help you through it or so that we can show you in a different way.  Recognize that it’s more than okay for it to take time and/or lots of repetition.
    • Take ownership of your knowledge.  Do not walk out the door, ever, if you do not know how to do something that we covered.  Make us do our job better by giving you what you need to see it, feel it and know it.