More Opportunities To Learn
Fun Fridays & Holidays has changed to School Holidays. We are an alternative to other options for your kids during school holidays, offering educational enrichment for science, math, reading, writing, art and more. Let your kids spend their “no school” days with us, making amazing art, playing math and site word games, strategic and problem solving science projects and much more.
You can sign up for one day at a time ($55/day/child). Extended time cost is a flat fee of $10/child/day dropping off as early as 7:00 and picking up by 5:30. We want to keep our cost as reasonable as possible for our families to be able to work while their child continues to grow academically. If you are signing up 2 or more kids from the same household, please accept a 10% discount by using code: MK10 at checkout.
If cost is a barrier, please let us know, as we are receiving grant funds from Jeffco to offer scholarships. Proof of need will be required to receive 80% off the cost of these camps.